Learn the Habits of Highly Successful Businesses

Accounting Professionals has worked with businesses both big and small for over 10 years now. In that time we have helped many businesses overcome the typical challenges faced at each stage of the business life-cycle from start-up, developing and growing, even exit strategies.

The topics, carefully chosen from the lessons we’ve learned over the years working with business owners, focus on the habits of highly effective businesses and are designed to help small business owners who are interested in growing their business to meet ever-changing market challenges and customer expectations.

The business success series identifies the Pricing, People, Technology, Marketing, Finance and Management Strategies the best performing businesses use and how to use these strategies to drive the best outcomes in participating businesses.  Participants will learn:

  • What Pricing and Revenue models are businesses using to increase sales by more than 20%?
  • How are businesses using new technology to manage customers, stock, services and teams better?
  • What are the latest online marketing trends and how effective are they?
  • What are the 7 habits of highly effective businesses, why do they work and how do you put them in place?
  • How do the best performing businesses create positive and inspiring work places?
  • How do the best performing businesses maximise their exit price when selling the business?

These one hour workshops, held on site at our Shellharbour City Office, will commence on September 20 and run each fortnight until mid-December. Pricing is $100 per session or $500 to attend all 7 workshops.

If your small business is in the running, growth or exit stage of its live cycle, these events are for you.

Business Success Series

Topic Title Date
Strategies used by best performing businesses Learn the 7 habits of highly effective businesses

The best performing businesses are not the best by luck or accident. Without exception they have a business model or structure that underpins their success. During this workshop we highlight the 7 habits that lead to their success and work with business owners and managers to implement these habits and business processes and procedures that create this success. The workshop will highlight why pricing strategies, technology, niche markets, workplace culture, targets & KPI’s and sales & marketing strategies are critical to the success of all businesses

Wednesday, 27 September
Pricing Pricing strategies for business success

The most successful businesses have developed pricing strategies that increase sales, profits and cash flow all at the same time. Their pricing strategies have been developed by undertaking a “customer discovery process” that identifies what customers value the most and why, and the price points that reflect this “Value Proposition” to the customer. Pricing is both Art & Science. Costs and competitors have always been important in determining prices, and the workshop highlights the unique approach used by successful businesses in considering their impact on pricing.

Wednesday, 11 October
Targeting & KPI’s Identifying & tracking the key drivers in your business

The best performing businesses focus on a Measure, Monitor & Manage strategy. Their success is hardwired and reinforced regularly through all teams. The business goals, aspirations, plans & targets are the focus for all team members. The workshop will highlight the procedures to introduce a focus on the businesses targets which is a key to business success.

8 November
Technology Technology used by market leaders

The best performing businesses use technology as a key driver to profitability and success in their business. Technology is being used to win new business, develop niche markets, decrease costs, increase value to customers and prices, create positive and inspiring workplaces and create sustainable long term businesses. The workshop will highlight the key systems and processes used by businesses to automate their business, the implementation process and likely cost/benefit outcomes of the new technology.

22 November
HR How to create a positive and inspiring workplace

The best performing businesses radiate a positive and inspiring work place with teams that openly communicate their satisfaction. They have long term team members and find it easy to attract new team members.  They are employers of choice by proactively developing a work culture that recognises the importance of their team members to the success of their business. The workshop will identify the key factors to developing a positive and inspiring workplace and procedures to improving workplace culture. You will also learn why employers of choice are more profitable.

Wednesday, 6 December
Sales and Marketing Sales & marketing strategies that increase sales opportunities and conversion rates

The most successful businesses are implementing sales and marketing strategies that are innovative and use technology as an enabler to generate more business, highlight their inspirational workplace culture, develop niche markets by better understanding the values of their customers and develop pricing strategies that sell more. The workshop will highlight the importance of a clearly defined marketing strategy, plan & budget and work through templates that make these easy to establish and implement.

7 February 2018
Business Valuations, Succession & Exit How to plan your exit strategy & maximise exit value for buyer & seller

The best performing businesses sell for higher prices, sell faster and have favourable exit terms for the vendors. The workshop will highlight how business prices are determined and what business owners can do in preparation for sale to maximise the price. Rarely are business sales simple, the workshop will highlight what businesses can do to make sure the sale meets their expectations and make the transition to new owners as seamless as possible. The workshop will also highlight the steps to developing a successful succession strategy.

21 February 2018