MBC Employment Services

"Accounting Professionals have helped us tremendously over the years by filling in the gaps of knowledge that we don’t have"

The Challenge

Established in 1991 by Michele and Neil Greig, MBC is a locally owned and operated foundation member of the Australian Federal Governments ‘Employment Services Contracts’. 

MBC works in collaboration with government, industry, employers, profit and not for profit sectors, and training organisations to deliver innovative, cost effective and sustainable employment solutions to job seekers and employers. 

After providing tax, accounting and business advice to the directors of this family-owned business for over 20 years, Accounting Professionals were tasked with developing an exit strategy that looked after the interests of the founders and allowed the business to continue to flourish under new ownership.

The Solution

  • Assistance in structuring the business from start-up
  • Assistance in preparing successful federal government tenders over 25 years
  • Transition of business to 2nd generation management
  • Structuring of family interests 


“My father Neil Greig and Garry both worked together before starting their own businesses. Garry started off small as did we. As they grew, so did we. Initially, one site to three, six, then to 18 sites all over NSW and the ACT region.”

“Accounting Professionals have helped us tremendously over the years by filling in the gaps of knowledge that we don’t have.”

The Results

Accounting Professionals were instrumental in negotiating the sale of the business, reviewing contracts and assisting throughout the diligence process. This included identifying balance sheet items, completing Long Service Leave and annual leave calculations as part of the sale of the business.


  • Business sale
  • Tax planning strategies on exit
  • MBC has been recognised year after year as the leader of Government funded employment services. 
  • Recognised as a high star rated provider by the Australian Federal Government, based on the number of successful job seekers placed into meaningful work.


“Recently we had a business transition which Accounting Professionals lent their expertise too. They were very instrumental in that.”

Ready to get started?

Get in touch to work with us.

More than just accountants.

We understand how our clients work, identify how they can be improved and partner with them during any change and implementation process. Learn more about our process and our team.
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